Printing Trade Co
Company Name: Printing Trade Co
Status: Active
State: Alaska
Post: 99801-8529
County: Juneau
City: Juneau
Address: 10002 Crazy Horse Drive
Phone: (907)789-7636
Fax: (907)789-9472
Contact Owner: Charles Jones
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 275998 Industry group: Printing, Publishing, And Allied Industries, Business category: Commercial Printing, Not Elsewhere Classified, Subcategory: Commercial Printing Nec
Employees: 6
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 1248390
Overall: Printing Trade Co is a business categorized under commercial printing, not elsewhere classified, which is part of the larger category printing, publishing, and allied industries. Printing Trade Co is located at the address 10002 Crazy Horse Drive in Juneau, Alaska 99801-8529. The Owner is Charles Jones who can be contacted at (907)789-7636.
Description: Commercial Printing, Nec
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